Frequent Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why am i being investigated? Have i done something wrong?

Insurance claims are often quickly assessed and processed, however occassionaly a claim may present with difficulties and your insurer may choose to investigate.

This does not mean your insurer will reject the claim, or that you have done anything wrong. It is normally a sign that your insurer simply requires more information to decide how your claim should proceed. 

For example, your insurance company may be looking to identify

  • A clearer understanding of your injury
  • Further evidence to establish extent of your injury
  • Concerns about whether the claim is genuine

How can i trust that a private investigator will be unbiased?

Insurers often use our services for the fact that we are independent. Our job is to locate as much information as possible about the claim and present that to the insurer. We don't make conclusions for the insurer and simply present all evidence available.

Why would an insurer ask Axis surveillance to investigate me?

As an independent private investigation company, insurers will often engage us when they are not sure on how to determin a claim. Our role is to provide an unbiased and independant investigation, delivering all available evidence to the insurer so that they can make a decision on how to proceed.